A2 – History of lexicography


The EMLex offers a diverse spectrum of teachers & lecturers from around the globe. This course will be held by:

Prof. Dr. Anja Lobenstein-Reichmann

Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Dr. Paolo Vaciago

Roma Tre University



The module comprises two sub-units:

Sub-unit A: Western European lexicography from antiquity to the late medieval period (Paolo Vaciago)

  1. General introduction: objectives, contents and structure of the sub-unit; references
  2. Ancient and late antique lexicography
    • overview of the material and examination of samples of the main documents
    • lexicography and grammar
    • typological variety of the material: macro- and microstructures
    • sources, processes of compilation, patterns of transmission of lexicographical material
  3. Early medieval lexicography
    • conservative and innovative traits of the early medieval material
    • the appearance and the role of vernacular languages, focusing on the English and German areas
  4. Late medieval lexicography
    • innovative formats employed for lexicographical purposes
    • experiments with word families: the derivative method

Sub-unit B: Historical lexicography from the late medieval period to the 20th century (Anja Lobenstein-Reichmann)

  1. General introduction: objectives, contents and structure of the sub-unit; references
  2. Metalexicographical access to historical dictionaries or how to analyze and to review historical dictionaries
  3. Overview and analysis of selected dictionaries
    • late medieval dictionaries
    • premodern dictionaries
    • modern dictionaries
  4. The Early New High German dictionary as an example for modern dictionaries of historical languages
  5. Dictionary criticism

Please see the module description for further information.

Guest lecturers:

Wednesday 19.05.

  • Dr. Brigitte Bulitta (Saxonian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Leipzig)
  • Dr. Aletta Leipold (Saxonian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Leipzig)

Thursday 20.05.

  • Prof. Laura Balbiani (Università della Valle d’Aosta)

Friday 21.05.

  • Prof. Dr. Jochen Bär (University of Vechta)

General information:

Time frame
Room on Zoom
Evaluation method Students will be asked to submit concise answers to a set of 10 questions per sub-unit
Teaching language English and German

Information on the EMLex 2021 Summer school:

Practical arrangements: no preliminary reading or knowledge expected for either sub-unit A or B. Material will be provided at the beginning of the course.

Certificate: Participants will receive as assignment for each Sub-unit a set of ten questions for each sub-unit which they will have to answer in writing. They will have to submit both written assignments by the end of June 2021 (assignment for Sub-unit A to Paolo Vaciago, assignment for Sub-unit B to Anja Lobenstein-Reichmann). Students who attended the module on a regular basis and completed the assignments with positive results will receive an EMLex 2021 summer school participation certificate.


Time/day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Vaciago Vaciago Bulitta / Leipold
Lobenstein Lobenstein
11:00-12:30 Vaciago Vaciago Bulitta / Leipold
Lobenstein Lobenstein
lunch break
Vaciago Vaciago Lobenstein Lobenstein Lobenstein
4:00-5:30 Vaciago Vaciago Lobenstein Balbiani Bär