A4 – Research into dictionary use


The EMLex offers a diverse spectrum of teachers & lecturers from around the globe. This course will be held by:

Prof. Dr. Carolin Müller-Spitzer

Leibniz Institute for the German Language (IDS)

Dr. Sascha Wolfer

Leibniz Institute for the German Language (IDS)

Dr. Dóra Pődör

Károli Gáspár University



Topics to be treated in this module include:

  1. Introduction to empirical research
  2. Introduction to research into dictionary use
  3. Current state of research
  4. Methods of research into dictionary use
  5. Involvement of dictionary users
  6. Detailed work and reflection on methodology, analyses, and interpretation of data from user studies
  7. Development of an individual usage study (case study) with short presentation

At the end of the module participants are able to:

  • explain what is done in research into dictionary use and explain its significance in lexicography
  • describe the current state of research in the field
  • show a basic understanding of empirical research
  • name different methodological approaches and explain them on a general level
  • develop appropriate scientific hypotheses for specific research questions
  • choose an appropriate method for their scientific hypothesis and apply it
  • analyse scientific publications from the field, formulate problems in the field and solve them through discussion, develop an individual usage study

Please see the module description for further information.


General information:

Time frame
Room on Zoom
Evaluation method
  • Active participation
  • Analyses and interpretation of data from studies into dictionary use
  • Development of a case study
  • Written exam (120 minutes)
Teaching language German & English

Information on the EMLex 2021 Summer school:

Practical arrangements: The participants will receive a seminar plan and timetable by e-mail in advance.

Certificate: There are two alternatives to get an EMLex 2021 summer school certificate – (a) without grade: active participation in discussions (e.g. analysis and interpretation of studies on dictionary use), as well as a preparation of an own exemplary study and (b) with grade: active participation in discussions (e.g. analysis and interpretation of studies on dictionary use), as well as a preparation of an own exemplary study + final exam (120 minutes)


Time/day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00-10:00 Wolfer/Müller-Spitzer Wolfer Müller-Spitzer Pődör Autonomous learning
10:00-11:00 Wolfer Müller-Spitzer Pődör Autonomous learning
11:00-12:00 Wolfer Wolfer Müller-Spitzer Pődör Autonomous learning
12:00-1:00 Wolfer Müller-Spitzer
1:00-2:00 Pődör Pődör / Wolfer
2:00-3:00 Wolfer Müller-Spitzer Pődör Pődör Pődör / Wolfer
3:00-4:00 Wolfer Müller-Spitzer Pődör
4:00-5:00 Wolfer Pődör